Saturday, May 21, 2011

Call for Entries

Uncommon Threads: The Handicrafts in Book Arts

Exhibition dates: September 23 - October 29, 2011 
Deadline for Entries: August 18, 2011

THEME - One of the best aspects of working in the field of book and paper arts is the chance to work with such varied artistic materials and techniques—even traditional handicraft techniques. Think of knitting, embroidery, sewing, beading, felting, needlework, stitching, quilting and any other myriad possibilities. Combine these techniques or materials with a strong concept, meaningful content, a story to tell or a compelling narrative and we have a new era in the book and paper arts.

Uncommon Threads seeks artist books and other forms of book and paper art that utilize handicraft techniques, materials or subjects as a way to round out, illustrate or compliment a central concept. Remember, it’s not just about the materials or techniques. Let’s dispel the myth that the handicrafts can’t have any part in meaningful art.

MEDIA - This exhibit is open to hand crafted book and paper arts related works created as either edition or one-of-a-kind. Artist books, sculptural books, book objects, altered books, zines, broadsides and sculptural pieces are all encouraged. Any medium, any style, any size.

AWARDS - Three artists will receive "Best of Show Awards" which will include a certificate and special marketing blitz focusing on their work. One artist will receive a "Library Choice Award" which will be awarded based on ballots cast by our library and museum customers and will also receive a certificate and marketing blitz.

DEADLINE – Submissions are due no later than August 13, 2011 

Happy Creating!

Image credit: Charles & Camilla by Gail Smuda

ADDENDUM - After taking some criticism for our Uncommon Threads show I have edited our call for entries to read as shown above. As my faithful fans have always known, content and concept in artist books have always been very important to me. But, apparently I left that out of the call for entries which greatly offended someone. I see this as a direct challenge to prove that we can find a happy marriage between craft and content. Please help! 

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