Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Some words you should hear..

It's always nice to have something you've said affirmed by another.

That's what happened to me the other when I received an email from the winner from our latest contest.

Anika sent me an email regarding her prize, the OneLight Workshop DVD:

"Hey admin,

I just got done watching the workshop for the second time. This is the best workshop I have ever seen and I'm really learning a lot. I thought my photography was ok, now I know how much I still have to learn and that I'm not even close to being ok as a photographer.

I have to agree with you on naming this DVD the best purchase 2010, I think this workshop should come with every camera and every single photographer needs a copy.

Thank you so much for doing the give away! I can't even say how happy I am to learn from Zack and you!


So if you have been looking for a learning tool and was on the edge about what to get, I hope Anika and I have convinced you.

Be sure to check out her site "A little piece of me" and it will only take an image or two to realize that it is aptly named.

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