Sunday, January 23, 2011
Amazing landscape photography from Ian Moran
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“Out of the ordinary, unexpected or interesting, the world is full of new sights to see amongst the mundane, not a day goes by without seeing a sight that is worthy of note, and while I don’t profess to be able to capture much of a fraction of what I’d like to, it can be a lot of fun trying!
While I love all sorts of imagery processes, photography makes it possible to make creative and interesting images at all sorts of scales, macros from everyday objects set in interesting ways with the right light to large scale wide angle landscapes.
Its great to get out and about, but living on the Sefton coast there are plenty of local opportunities, we are on the north west coast of England, up the road from the 2008 European capital of culture, Liverpool with its fine architecture and ports, I have my local beach is at Crosby, always nice for sunsets, and which has attracted so many photographers since the Anthony Gormleys ‘Another place’ ironman installation, which is fine, but it’s always nice to find a new angle and light situation that makes an image a little different. Just a pool of water or a set of ripples can offer a multitude of compositional opportunities, and it’s great to be able to pop down and see features of the beach in each unique light, cloud and tide situation.
My bag of favourite kit includes the Canon 100mm f2.8 macro, king of close up photography, but it also renders wonderfully saturated and sharp crop composition landscape features and portraits, way beyond what is possible with large range kit zoom lens, and out and about the must have is the Canon 10-22mm again wonderful sharp and nicely saturated images and of course super wide, great for the beach or architecture. I suppose another favourite would be my 50mm 1.4, which actually makes reasonable handheld night shots possible when on the move.
I currently use Canon 50D, which has been great, I look with envy at all the Canon 5D users, I don’t know if I am going to be able to resist a serious look at the MKIII when that appears. ” ~ Ian Moran
For more amazing landscape photography from Ian Moran, please check out his flickr photostream right here.
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