Friday, December 31, 2010
See you next year...
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When I was a boy I found a time stamp and as I rolled through the years between my fingers I came to the last year on the wheel "1978".
I remember thinking "1978!?... Holy cow, I will be ancient in 1978!".
Now the wheel is about to roll over to 2011 and I still feel like that same curious boy who thought 1978 was so far off it would never arrive, though sadly the mirror is telling me a very different story.
If I have learned anything (and some may argue I haven't) it's not the passing of time that's the issue, it's the wasting of time... now that's the real problem, the avoidable sin.
If I could make a wish for all of us it would be that we not squander that most precious commodity.
In 2011 don't wonder "what if?", put it all out there.
Live, laugh, love, be loved, and gobble life up with both hands.
Don't assume that the people in our life know how we feel about them, let's tell them, leaving nothing unsaid.
Be slow to anger and quick to forgive.
We should put more effort into being happy than we do into being right.
Be the kind of friend we wish we had.
And as often as we can, let's perform an act of kindness for someone who has no way of paying us back.
Thank you for spending time here in 2010, your presence has enriched my life, and I look forward to seeing you in 2011.
A happy, hopeful, and healthy New Year!
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